© 2006
Hoffman House, Inc.
Lullabies of Jesus and Other Gentle Songs
Song Samples in mp3 format
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Song Samples in mp3 format |
Listen! |
All Through the Night |
Feel Your Savior's Love |
All Things Bright and Beautiful |
Letters of Love |
For the Beauty of the Earth |
Golden Slumbers |
You Will See Him, Too |
Jesus' Lullaby |
When You Meet Your Savior |
Beautiful Savior |
Love One Another |
Happy Place |
Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby |
Tender Shepherd |
Many Flowers |
Now the Day Is Over |
Melanie and Roger talk about "Lullabies"
on The Cricket & Seagull Fireside Chat
(with several clips from the album) click here
“I put ‘Lullabies’ on for me. It helps me have peace to cope.” - A new mother
Two young mothers were driving in the car with their excited, noisy children. The driver smiled at her friend, turned on “Lullabies of Jesus” and said, “Watch this.” Within minutes there was peace in the car. Her little three-year old piped up and said, “This is the one where the angels sing.” Said her friend, “I’ve got to have this CD!”
“When I need to focus, like on reading the scriptures, I love the instrumentals at the end of the CD.” -J.S. - a young man, age 16
“It's not just for little people. I love it because it's so peaceful, and I'm a 76 year-old great grandma.”
"I have listened to nothing else in my car. I want to get copies of it for my daughters. Congratulations on a gorgeous lullaby album!”-K.M. a Grandma
Lullabies of Jesus and Other Gentle Songs
Also available for download
We made "Lullabies" when our first grandchild was born, a beautiful little angel girl. (That's her on the cover). After raising four boys, having a little girl in pink and ribbons was pretty exciting! Roger and I poured all the love, joy and faith we have in Jesus into each song. The music is still working its peaceful magic, calming our grandchildren to sleep at night.
Free song download:
All Through the Night
For Mothers Day, baby showers or any time "Lullabies" is a truly helpful gift to moms. Scroll down the page to read what people have said about how this album has helped their lives.
Download Lyrics (PDF)
69 minutes of music; 16 songs plus instrumental accompaniment tracks so you can sing to your little ones. |
Buy Lullabies of Jesus
$9.95 .

“Lullabies of Jesus” Helps Solve Sleep Problems!
“My 5-year old daughter said she used to have a lot of nightmares and now, with your music, she has only peaceful dreams. Thank you for this one of a kind CD!”-K.D. a Mom
A little boy reported to his Mom that listening to “Lullabies’ every night made his nightmares go away. She didn’t know he was having them!
A woman told us that “Lullabies” brought a peaceful spirit that she and her dying mother could share as her Mom passed out of this life.
“I keep Lullabies of Jesus in my car because I suffer from panic attacks. Listening in the car has really helped make that attacks go away.”
“I love shopping for baby gifts! There are so many fun things to choose from. I love the adorable clothes and accessories and books available. But, when it comes right down to it, I always give Lullabies of Jesus because I know what it will do for the mother as well as the baby. It's the best gift you can give a mother... the best gift ever!”
P. M. former children's book buyer
“I gave my Mom your Lullabies CD on my birthday as a gift to her for being my mother. She called me in tears, telling me how much she loved it. She had sung some of those songs to me when I was little!”-M.H., a neighbor
“My 13 year-old daughter listens to Lullabies of Jesus every single night before she goes to sleep. Sometimes her older brothers and sisters are watching scary shows and the music is a buffer for her.”
A recent quote from an 8 year-old who had been troubled by nightmares, "It's a magical image-buster." (No more nightmares.)
“The other night, when my baby was still up and crying, my husband said, ‘Try the Lullabies of Jesus CD.’ I did and he went right to sleep.” -M.H. - a new mother
“My little granddaughter was very fitful, unable to sleep. I held her by the CD player while "Lullabies of Jesus" played. She fell asleep in a few minutes. - a thankful grandma
"What a perfect gift! Thanks for doing such inspired and inspiring work.”-N.W
"A young man in his 20s from a troubled background was given "Lullabies of Jesus" by his grandmother. He loved it and said it made him "feel good."