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© 2006
Hoffman House, Inc.
Parley P. Pratt's Greatest Hymns

Parley P. Pratt's Greatest Hymns

Song Samples in mp3 format
An Angel From On High

Waked From My Bed of Slumber Sweet

Come, Oh Thou King of Kings

Jesus, Once of Humble Birth

Farewell, My Kind and Faithful Friend

The Morning Breaks, The Shadows Flee

In Ancient Times

Hark! Listen to the Gentle Strain

How Often, In Sweet Meditation

This Earth Shall Be a Blessed Place

The Solid Rocks Were Rent in Twain (Parley's Epic Narrative)

Bonus Track- Hark! Listen to the Gentle Strain (Contemporary Version)


Parley P. Pratt's Greatest Hymns

This album captures the spirit of the Restoration, a time like no other in the earth’s history, in the words of the poet-apostle, Parley P. Pratt. Parley was one of the first apostles and one who knew Joseph Smith personally. From his remarkable vantage-point he wrote at least 49 hymns, describing the glorious vision of the earth’s future. Seven of his hymns are in our current hymnal, including “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth;” “The Morning Breaks;“ and “Come, Oh Thou King of Kings.” In our search of former editions of hymn-books, we found many other deeply insightful texts, but we felt that the music would sound archaic to modern ears. One of the great joys of this project was creating new music that would help convey his powerful ideas to listeners today. An example is “Waked From My Bed of Slumber Sweet,” set in a style that underscores the energy in his words.

“Farewell, My Kind and Faithful Friend,” which Parley wrote to his wife, Thankful, as he left on a mission, is likely the only love song ever published in a hymn-book. This moving message might have been sung by Joseph to Emma, or by any of the early brethren to the loved ones they left. Parley’s life was full of farewells, as he tirelessly responded to call after call to preach the Gospel.

Making this collection of hymns has been a delightful three-year "collaboration" with Parley. We are pleased to feature solo vocals on this CD by George Dyer, Jenny Frogley, Marvin Payne, Dave Tinney, Tanya Barkdull, Roger & Melanie Hoffman, Cody Hale, Randy Porter.

- The Producers