Song for the River


All songs written, arranged, sung & produced by Roger Hoffman, except "Song for the River," which was sung by Roger Hoffman and Felicia Sorenson.

Recorded & Mixed at Rosewood Recording Company- Guy Randle, engineer/producer.

Pat Smith - Bass
Todd Sorenson - Drums
Mike Dowdle, Rich Dixon - Guitars
Kenny Hodges - percussion
Sam Cardon, Roger Hoffman - Piano, Rhodes, and Synthesizer Arrangements
Ruth Clay - Cello
Kathy Peterson, Cynthia Richards, Gwen Thornton, and Barbara Williams - violins

Vocalists - Roger Hoffman, Felicia Sorenson, Jenny Smith

Graphic Design - Richard Erickson

Cover Photo - Doug Martin

Click here to order

Special thanks to guy, Kenny, Sam, and all the musicians for really brilliant creative input...
... and most of all, to my wife, Melanie, for loving support, careful criticism, and wonderful ideas.


Everyone born into this world comes already knowing how to live a great life, but that knowledge is buried, like a treasure, deep within our minds and hearts. The path to this knowledge can be walked by anyone, and the journey can be started anytime. So... this album isn't really about rivers and oceans at all...



I heard a still voice calling,
"Come with me to the sea--
Around you night is falling.
Come away with me.
Come away with me.

Leave your silver and your gold
and all the world's desires.
Come to follow wealth untold
alight with heaven's fires.

Come, follow one who holds the earth
And the heavens in his hands.
Come, journey through the veil of fear
to find your promised land.

Come with me down the river,
and build across the sea---
a straight and narrow highway.
Come away with me.
Come away with me.

Leave your wand'ring through the dark
In a weary, wasted world.
Turn your eyes to see the light,
And let your hearts be filled.

For I know if you will leave
your fears and journey through
the sea, you'll understand
the meaning of the words,
'Come, Follow Me.' "

I heard a still voice calling.
"Come with me to the sea.
Already night is falling.
Come away with me.
Come away with me."



Get up. Get out. Get right. Get to it.
Be your best, you've got a right to do it.

This is for all the losers,
When you're knockin' on the door,
but you can't find the key.

This is from all the winners.
You can open that door,
just get down on your knees, and


Some people say they can win without their Maker,
but hey, they're not winners. They're just takers.


This is for all the young ones,
Though you may not believe you'll ever get very far.

This is from all the old ones.
We did a little every day,
and that's how we got where we are.

If life seems to have left you behind
don't be discouraged..

Just catch it by changing your mind,
so take courage.


This is for all the "weak" ones.
Why do you feel so much when it just brings you pain?

This is from all the "strong" ones.
You can lift us with a touch and we're never the same.

'Cause the words that you speak
and the music you sing
and the pictures you paint are the gifts that you bring.

You've been hangin' your head for a long, long time.

Don't you know it's your day to rise and shine?

'Cause nobody sees the way to go
when the ones who could show them how don't know.




Somehow, I'd always seen myself on a river,
but the one I saw was as smooth as glass
and ran slowly down to sea.

But now the rushing waters flow so swiftly,
that they spray me blind, and I cannot find
a soul to rescue me.

Sometimes a thousand icy fingers tear at me,
wrapping around my eyes so I can't see---
crushing my weary soul until
my heart is broken
and I feel the floods of sorrow drowning me.

But the surge that pulls me downward
is sent tumbling to the sea---
when I hear the still voice calling,

"I will pilot thee."

Fear not; I will pilot thee.
I know all that you can be.

Oh, the love that fills me when I hear him!
And the joy that vaults me heavenward
when again my eyes can see.

But, oh how easily I can forget him,
Thinking all is well, I don't need him
now to comfort me.

Somehow again those icy fingers tear at me,
wrapping around my eyes 'til I can't see--

Somehow they seem to say I've left him carelessly,
and this time he won't come to rescue me.

But when my heart is broken, I hear him calling me--
"Put away your fears and follow.
I'll always pilot thee."

Fear not. I will pilot thee.
I know all you have to be.
Fear not. I will pilot thee.
I know what you mean to me.

Whether the winds and the icy waters
hide your face from me,
I can calm the river, and I will pilot thee.



Fill your soul with light.
Drink the fountain clear with all your might,
and look straight ahead
'cause the way you look is where your feet are led.

If you're wondering what you should do
when the darkness seems to fall all over you
and your heart is filled with pain
and you wonder if it's driving you insane..

And you feel like you can't win,
and pretty soon, you're gonna have to give in-- just


When temptation fills your heart
and you think it's gonna tear your mind apart
and your life seems so confused...
Let the light shine in your heart and help you choose.

'Cause the darkness has a thousand voices calling you.
They tear you down and turn you left and right.
And if you feel so down, you just can't find the way that's true,
Hey, reach up and turn on the light.




So he set me on my journey down the river
And he said he would always care for me.
He taught me the joy of reaching the shore.
He taught me the song of destiny.

I will sing a song, a song of love.
Sing praise to him who rules above;
For as fierce as waves and rocks may be,
He will guide my destiny.

"My light will guide you down the river.
My voice can calm the raging sea.
If you choose the way of life forever,
Who can keep your soul from me?"

I will sing as I travel down the river.
I will sing on my journey through the seas;
For as fierce as waves and rocks may be,

I can choose my destiny.



On the borders of the sea, the voice still calls to me, but I am weary.
For the river took my all, and I hardly hear the call
"Come, follow me."
If I could, I'd stay forever, and watch the waves,
and never have to leave---
But something in my soul says
"I want to be real.
I can't stay for long. I must go on for night will fall.
I want to be real.
For the one who led me safely here still softly calls." So I get down on my knees, and I say, "Please---

I'm tired and afraid, and the vision seems to fade before my eyes.
I can't help feeling small against mountain waves so tall they fill the sky.
Did I come here just to perish on the sea with all I cherish,
or was something really speaking to my soul?

I want to be real.
I can't make this promised land unless I cross the sea.
I want to be real.
I can't be any more until I learn to follow thee.

And I'm trying to believe, but help me please---
I want to be real.
In the darkness even one small candle burns like the sun.
I want to be real.
May the winds of heaven drive me till my journey's done."



Down the raging, rushing river, through the wild and stormy sea,
We sail, the chosen vessels, on a voyage through eternity.
With songs of faith and hymns of praise we are driven through the waves
By the winds of heaven that carry us in the hands of him who saves.

Now the ships, so heavy laden are guided tot he shore
And old, forgotten fears arise amidst the breakers' roar.
But the voice that calms the ocean stills the storm within our minds, saying
"Come along. Just hold on. Leave your cares behind.

Make him a highway; a straight and narrow road.
Make him a highway and line the path with gold.
For the hosts of hungry travelers on a long-forgotten shore
Will search the skies and fix their eyes
on the way to heaven's door.

Now it never once occurred to me, but suddenly I find
That our journey through eternity is traveled in our minds.
And it doesn't matter who I am, or what I'll never be,
For light will come to anyone who really wants to see.

Make him a highway; a straight and narrow road.
Make him a highway and fill your thoughts with gold.
For the way is clear to follow him; as plain as night from day.
Always follow truth and love, and fear will fly away.



Like the sunlight falls on me
Light from heaven lets me see.
Though the mists arise to blind my eyes
Truth shines down and I see
Fear is a lie.

My heart sings a song of praise
For the hope within me raised.
From the heights my faith can reach, I see
The clouds that covered me are far behind.

Fear is like the clouds that veil the earth from the sun,
and faith is like the morning rays that break when night is done.
Though fear below me cries and says I'm lost and hope is gone,
Faith from heaven lifts me up and shouts,
"I've just begun!"

Believing leads to truth and light.
Fear can turn the day to night.
Even in the dark, the way is clear.
Always follow faith, and never fear.



I stand before the river that races to the sea.
And feel the cold, clear water that seems to beckon me,
Saying, "Life is like a river, like a highway to the sea,
Run the course and reach your destiny.

Go on! Leave the comfort of the things you used to be.
Be strong! It was easy going nowhere, can't you see?
And the more you travel on,
the more the power of heaven leads you on.

Life is like the ocean, you can sail it if you try.
Ride the rolling waters beneath a clear, blue sky.
And listen for the voice of one who traveled here before,
and he will lead you to the distant shore.

Be strong! You can make it, you can reach your destiny.
Go on! Nothing in this world can keep you from the sea.
For the more you travel on,
The more the light form heaven leads you on.

Be strong! It was easy going nowhere, can't you see?
Go on! Leave the comfort of the things you used to be.
For the more we travel on
The more the power of heaven makes us strong."