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Hoffman House, Inc.
Stories of Jesus

Stories of Jesus
Song Samples in mp3 format
 See the Joy
 Run to Egypt
 Child of Grace
 Come into the Water
 The Miracles of Jesus
 Good News
 Loaves and Fishes
 Lord of the Sea
 The Day Jesus Died
 He Is Risen

Click here to order

"Sweet and endearing, lively and imaginative, Stories of Jesus, the newest release from Hoffman House and Shadow Mountain features 15 delightful and touching songs on the life of Christ which show why Melanie and Roger Hoffman are among the best-known and best-loved writers of music for children". Steven Kapp Perry - BYU Broadcasting


Stories of Jesus features 15 original songs about the life of the Savior designed to both entertain and teach. The cheerful lyrics and memorable melodies had me singing the rest of the day --- I guess I'm still a kid at heart. Quint Randle, Deseret News

"I am so grateful for the gift Stories of Jesus has been to my family. I have loved sharing these songs that capture the pure joy of the 'good news' with my grandchildren. This collection of songs brings a smile to the heart." Michael McLean - Songwriter, Author, Film Producer

We listen to it in the car all the time and my six-year old reads the words on the CD cover and sings along. I’m going to try and get everyone I know to buy Stories of Jesus. I think it’s some of the best money I’ve ever spent. Shelly W

I just love the Stories of Jesus music!Such sweet truth set to beautiful tender music! I have one daughter who loves to practice singing  with the wordless tracks while we're driving. I get to drive around town with a sweet little concert everywhere I go! Thank you so much for your beautiful music!

My family loves the entire CD. I purchased all the songs shortly after buying Gethsemane, ad I've even purchased the entire set of sheet music. My 17-year old daughter and 12-year old son have had a great time learning the songs on their stringed instruments (they play the cello and violin). It's also been so much fun to teach my 7 and 5 year old sons the scripture stories that connect with the songs on the CD. They are beginning to truly love the stories of Jesus found in the New Testament.

Again, I just wanted you to know what an incredible impact your music has had on us. Thank you for all you do in your music! We own many of your other songs/CDs (including scripture scouts) and love them all.Valena K

We listen to "Stories of Jesus" all the time. I play it when I drive and I drive a lot of miles during the week.  My grandchildren love it, too!! Thank you for the beautiful, touching, joyful songs!! Verleen

I wanted to tell you how much I love your music on Stories of Jesus. I played the album in the car yesterday and my 11 year-old son and 8 year-old grandson were humming along and joining in. The song “Gethsemane” invited a wonderful chat about the crucifixion and the 3 days before the resurrection. Your music had really touched a chord in my son's heart. Kay V

We LOVE your Stories of Jesus CD, every song!  We've sung the Gethsemane one for the Primary Presentation - the spirit is felt so strong every time we sing that one. And there was a YouTube video with your baptism song in the background that we showed at our daughter's baptism.  

The upbeat and catchy tunes are so fun.  Did you have to make the sheep song so darn sticky?! Brain sticky!  It goes round and around in our heads.  And every time our littlest hears the sheep baa-ing she giggles and giggles.

Thank you for producing such a quality recording - the children's voices and harmonies are wonderful.  Colleen

The girls love the "Stories of Jesus" CD and have been singing the songs all week.  "Old King Herod went crazy and died" seems to be a favorite line. :) Justin

I got my dad on Tuesday. He isn't doing well. The trip was hard on him and he has been bed fast since he arrived. Today I realized he needed music, so I got out my well used CD "Stories of Jesus". It is just what both of us needed. Just had to tell you again, I love your music! Valerie

Thank You for the CD we love the whole disk.  We bought it for the great song Gethsemane we have been hearing on the radio on Sunday. Steven

I own a copy of 'Stories of Jesus' and truly love and appreciate your work. Our primary wants to learn "Come into the Water" for our primary program next year. Esther

I love your cd "Stories of Jesus" and I have wanted to gift it to friends for a long time.


I really like your song "Miracles of Jesus".  I would like my students to learn this for an upcoming school program.
I am an elementary teacher in a small Christian school here in South Korea.  I am putting together a program for our students' parents in July, and my students & I decided to do a drama about Jesus' miracles from the book of John.  I was thrilled to find your song "Miracles of Jesus" when I google searched on-line for songs about Jesus' miracles.  This song is perfect to go along with our play.

I'm sure that my students will enjoy singing these songs, too.  Thank you for caring about serving God through children's music...I pray that these songs and our message about how Jesus' miracles showed that He IS the Christ, the Son of God, will impact all of our hearts & lives and bring glory to Him.
God bless you, too!

I own a copy of 'Stories of Jesus' and truly love and appreciate your work. Our primary wants to learn "Come into the Water" for our primary program next year.


I have just had a holy experience after listening to the song "Gethsemane". I hold the song and its message dearly. Afterwards, I wanted to read the story behind the song. I had heard from someone, somewhere that there was some story behind the song. Is this true?


I just wanted to say how much I LOVE the Stories of Jesus CD. After buying one for my own family and adoring it (I LOVE to hear my kids singing along!), I bought one for a couple of my sisters and recently one sister called to ask how to get another CD because she couldn't find it anywhere. So, of course I have forwarded the email about you making it available on CD again.

I have enjoyed the beautiful and also the fun songs on Stories of Jesus for so long. I love Loaves and Fishes! Your singer did a
perfect job. The music is fun and it joyfully delivers its great story! And I love Child of Grace. And Zacchaeus and He is Risen.

Okay, I just love them all! I just wanted to let you know! Chris

"As parents with ten children ages 3 to 23, we have all enjoyed the music of Stories of Jesus. Our younger children in particular have listened to and even memorized the songs. Gethsemene is a song which is worth the price of the entire CD.

My grandson listens to your songs about Jesus every night "because it makes me feel my Heavenly Father". Maureen

We know of no other music for children about the atonement which is so simple in its message yet so profound in its meaning. The example and love of the Savior flows through each song."- Ben & Valerie T

I have listened to 'Stories of Jesus' many times. I am always searching for ways to bring my family to Christ. One day as I was driving to a church meeting I was thinking about how I felt about the Savior when I listened to 'Stories of Jesus.' Tears filled my eyes as I felt the Spirit bear witness to me that if our children really knew the Savior, and truly loved Him, they would never want to disappoint him. That was the key. Our children need to know Jesus Christ so they can love Him. Thank you Melanie and Roger Hoffman, for creating a tool to bring Christ into my home in a very real, very personal way. - Jill C

The upbeat and catchy tunes are so fun.  Did you have to make the sheep song so darn sticky?! Brain sticky!  It goes round and around in our heads.  And every time our littlest hears the sheep baa-ing she giggles and giggles.



Thank you for producing such a quality recording - the children's voices and harmonies are wonderful.  Colleen

I received my “Stories of Jesus” CD. I really love it. I would like to order four more to send to my grandchildren for Easter. Judith

Thank You for the CD we love the whole disk.  We bought it for the greatsong Gethsemane we have been hearing on the radio on Sunday. Steven

I appreciate the fact that Stories of Jesus is carefully written and scripturally accurate. It's been fun, during family scripture study to find that so many of the lyrics are taken directly from the scriptures. Patty

I love your "Stories of Jesus" CD. Every song on it is amazing. Denise

I was introduced to Stories of Jesus last year while visiting 2 of my 3 sons in the marines stationed in Okinawa. Their 2 oldest sons both were turning 8 and being baptized. The grandchildren sang Come Into The Water during the service. Thanks so much. This song has been playing in my head ever since we got word they could come visit, so I know I need it. Debbie

From Amazon reviewers:

"The music and lyrics are done so well that it is a CD our whole family enjoys listening to."

"The songs are fun and original and also teach stories from Jesus's life in a very kid-understandable and sweet way...I highly recommend this to any Christian with kids."

"All of my children love it, from teens down to the 4-year-old, and parents enjoy listening to it, too. It has taught the children of the glory of Jesus, His miracles, and specifics about His life and ministry."

Our primary kids love all your songs.  I emailed Melanie a couple of years ago to let her know that Gethsemane was our kids favorite (even though most are boys as we have 5 girls in senior primary).  We’ve sung it in our ward quite a few times and it still is a favorite to this day.  I purchased all the music from Stories of Jesus (they are all great). 
We are also learning Remember and they love that one too.  I have two boys (10 and 7) and after primary they come home singing that song.  Today we started learning “Come into the Water” and the kids were so enthusiastic singing it.  I asked my son if he like the new song and he said, you always pick the best songs Mom.  It sure isn’t me, it’s people like you who have such a wonderful talent and can write such beautiful music that brings the spirit when you sing.  I still get choked up singing Gethsemane.


AMAZON REVIEWERS - All 9 reviewers on Amazon gave it 5 stars

This music is beautiful and fun and just perfect for kids to learn
By Andrea J. on June 28, 2015

This music is beautiful and fun and just perfect for kids to learn about their Savior. My children were asked to participate in a children's choir where thesesongs were featured. So amazing!!!! I'm grateful that these stories are a little more "a part" of them now that they've sung and listened to them so many times. Thanks to the Hoffmans!

Tender, Simple, Fun, and Powerful Songs
By Emily Evans on April 12, 2015

I came across this music while looking for a way to teach my younger children about the Savior and the Atonement; it has been more than I hoped for! Sweet, tender, simple, fun, and powerful songs teach about the Savior's life in a way that
truly reaches children and brings understanding on their level. My children have asked to listen to it everyday since I bought it and I love to hear them humming the songs. It is directed toward children, but my husband and I love it too and keep it playing when it shuffles through our playlist- even when it's just the two of us!

beautiful and touching
By Shannon A. Cox "Haitian Roots Lady" on July 26, 2014

I love this CD! I have 5 children and we listen to it often, especially in the car. Besides being beautiful music, it has inspired many different conversations about the life of Jesus.

Pleases adults, teens and children!
By mom of many on November 12, 2012

Original music, not new words written to old tunes. The music is pleasant andcatchy. It doesn't have annoying music "types" such as rock or country. It is not high pitched "kids" music nor is it sung by amateur children. This a very professional CD, very high quality.

All of my children love it, from teens down to the 4-year-old, and parents enjoy listening to it, too. It has taught the children of the glory of Jesus, His miracles, and specifics about His life and ministry. My 7-year-old loves that the songs are in order on the CD, starting with His birth and working chronologically up to His resurrection.

Beautiful Music about the Savior's Life
By MarniSoup "Marni"

About a month ago I listened to a podcast on "Stories of Jesus." I was so impressed by the short samples that I had to buy it for our family. As the title suggests, the songs are all about the life of Jesus, starting with his birth and ending with remembering Him and His life. In a way I guess this could be like Handel's Messiah for children. All the songs are so beautiful it is tough to pick a favorite. One unique song is "Gethsemane," a song about the atonement. Like the composers mention on the podcast, there really isn't a children's song about the atonement.

The CD insert quotes Melanie Hoffman: "I know that as children learn who Jesus is, they will look to Him, anticipate His coming, and want to be like Him, because they will know Him and love Him."

The music and lyrics are done so well that it is a CD our whole family enjoys listening to. Learning more about the Savior's life through this music has been a great testimony strengthener for all of us. I highly recommended buying this for your home or as a gift.

My kids LOVE this music! The songs are fun and original and also teach stories from Jesus's life in a very kid- understandable and sweet way. My 4 year old wants to listen and dance to this music all the time! I highly recommend this to any Christian with kids. Amy D Curtis

I'm really happy with this CD. The songs are cute with a great message. They have catchy tunes and are sung nicely. (I have a thing about listening to kid voices that are annoying (nasally or sounding like baby talk.) None of that here. While the songs are sung by children, they have great voices.) Beautiful CD.
K. Fears

Great Kids CD about the life of Jesus,
My mom purchased this CD for my kids and they LOVE it. If they had their way they would listen to it all day, every day. I even enjoy it. The song about gethsemane is very touching and makes me ponder that story. The messages are simple and the songs are catchy. The children who sing the songs have cute voices. I would recommend this CD for anyone who wants their kids to learn songs about Jesus' life. M. Higbee

The best children's CD about Christ
My mother bought this cd for our children over a month ago, and it has been in our cd player in the family van ever since. The kids absolutely love the stories about Jesus that have been put to such fun music. I love that children sing the songs, and my children have already memorized most of the songs. Our children are newborn to age 11, and they all enjoy this cd.
T. Perrin

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The physical CD is now available only at Hoffman House. It also contains accompaniment tracks for all the songs.
The album download is available on iTunes.

Lyrics to Stories of Jesus Songs

All Songs except He Is Risen - Words & Music written by Melanie Hoffman, ©2007 Melanie Hoffman & C T L Music (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved
He Is Risen: Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, Music: Joachim Neander, Additional text by Melanie Hoffman ©2007 Melanie Hoffman & Hoffman House Music (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved


Echoes through the mountains ring,
Shepherds dance and angels sing.
Celebrate the new-born king.
Come that we might have joy.
Baby Jesus born this day,
Sleeping in a bed of hay.
Come to earth to show the way.
Come that we might have joy!

Chorus- Hallelujah! See the joy.
All around us there is joy!
Hallelujah! Feel the joy.
Jesus has come that we might have joy.

Come and see the baby small in a quiet cattle stall.
Little king, the Lord of all
Come that we might have joy!

Chorus- Sleepy Bethlehem, Awake!
Can you feel the heavens shake?
All of creation’s alive with his light.
The stars in the heavens are shouting tonight!

Chorus- Hallelujah! See the joy.
All around us there is joy!
Hallelujah! Feel the joy.
Jesus has come that we might have joy.

Repeat Chorus
Jesus is come that we might... have joy. Feel the joy!


Wise men came to Jerusalem from the east so far,
Asked Herod, “Where is the baby King?
We have seen His star.”
Now, this worried Herod because he was the king
And had no plans of retiring yet.
Who was this baby who had his own star?
This kind of news put him in a sweat. So he said,
“Run, run, run wise men, I want to meet this little King.
Run, run, run and find him. Take your treasures and run!”

So the wise men traveled to Bethlehem, Following the bright star,
And brought their gifts to the little king; Gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Then, being warned in a dream they should not return to Herod
They went home a different way.
And a vision came to Joseph. He heard the angel say,

Run, run, run Joseph. Far away from the evil king.
Run, run, run to Egypt. Take your family and run.

So Joseph, Mary and their little son Went to Egypt to stay.
And the soldiers hunted for Jesus, But He was far away.
And wicked old Herod went crazy and died.
And not one person missed him at all.1
And then one day Joseph heard the angel call,
Come, come, come Joseph. Do not fear the evil king.
Come, come, home Joseph. Bring your family and come.
Come, come, Joseph. Come and bring your little king.
Come, come, home Joseph. Bring your family and come.
1(Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 101)


Down in Nazareth Jesus grew and
laughed and played like little kids do.
And He was strong and straight and true
‘Cause he was Jesus.

Chorus- Child of Wisdom. Child of Grace.
The light of heaven on His face.

In the countryside Jesus walked
And learned from heaven and when He talked
He didn’t say what other men thought
‘Cause He was Jesus.

Chorus- Child of Wisdom. Child of Grace.
The light of heaven on His face.

In the temple Jesus taught.
When He was twelve He knew a lot.
He changed the way the elders thought
‘Cause He was Jesus.

Chorus- Child of Wisdom. Child of Grace.
The light of heaven on His face.

Increased in wisdom and stature
In favor with God and man
And waited upon the Lord
For His time to come.

Chorus- Child of Wisdom. Child of Grace.
The light of heaven on His face.
Child of Wisdom. Child of Grace.
The light of heaven on His face.


John the Baptist came to preach
Cry repentance and to teach.
Many listened and were baptized in the water.
Jesus came to His cousin John.
John was honored to be the one
To baptize the Chosen Son in the water.

Come into the water. Come and be baptized.
Come and follow Jesus to a better life.
Come and take the first step
Leave the world behind in the water.
Come into the water. Come and be baptized.
Come and follow Jesus to a better life.
Come and take the first step
Leave the world behind in the water.

Down into the river’s flow Jesus went so He could show
That all people need to go into the water.

Come into the water. Come and be baptized.
Come and follow Jesus to a better life.
Come and take the first step
Leave the world behind in the water.
Come and be baptized in the water.


Capernaum, Cana in Galilee Perea,
Jerusalem, Bethany
From all of the cities the people ran
To see the miracles of Jesus.
Blind Bartimaeus begging by the roadside,
The man by the pool sick for 38 years.
The woman so crooked that she couldn’t walk.
The man who couldn’t speak or hear.

People everywhere
Crowded the roadsides and village square,
Threw away their care
Because of the miracles of Jesus.

The man who was blind from the day that he was born
Until Jesus anointed his eyes with clay.
The woman in the crowd who touched the master’s robe
And her sickness was taken away.

He healed everyone
The soldier’s servant
The nobleman’s son.
Finally hope had come!
The world had changed because of Jesus.

INTERLUDE w/scripture read over music:
“Whithersoever [Jesus] entered, into villages, or cities, or country,
they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might
touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as
touched him were made whole.” Mark 6:56

People everywhere
Crowded the roadsides and village square,
Threw away their care
Because of the miracles of Jesus.
He healed everyone
The soldier’s servant
The nobleman’s son.
Finally hope had come!
The world had changed because of Jesus.


(Chorus) Listen to the news!
He’s come to bring us good news.
Listen to good news!
Hey, really good news. Good news!

Good news for the good guys and the bad.
Good news for the happy and the sad.
Good news for the rich.
Good news for the poor.
That’s what He has come here for.
Good news!

(Chorus) Listen to the news!
He’s come to bring us good news.
He has brought good news!
Hey, really good news. Good news!

Good news for the weak, and for the strong,
For those who are right, For those who are wrong.
Good news for the grownups and for the small.
He has come to bring the good news to us all!

(Chorus 2x) Listen to the news!
He’s come to bring us good news.
He has brought good news!
Hey, really good news. Good news!


One, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
I’ll pack one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.

I grabbed my lunch and ran to see the famous teacher in Galilee.
Everyone in the crowd agreed; We’d never seen a man like Him.
He found us on the hill that day
Waiting to hear what He had to say.
He healed the sick and taught the way.
There was no one in the world like Him.

We stayed all day on the grassy hill
Then sunset came with the evening chill.
Send them home, the apostles said.
They’re hungry and they don’t have bread.

Refrain -
One, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
I had one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.

Jesus said that we should stay
and eat with them, but there was no way
To feed 5,000 men that day
and women and children there.
He said, “How many loaves have ye?”
And then He sent them to go and see.
Of everyone there was only me
With any food to share.

Refrain -
So I gave my one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
He blessed my one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.

5, 10, 15, twenty 1,000-2,000-3,000-four! Wow! There just kept being more and more and more!

He fed us all on that grassy hill.
Bread and fish till we had our fill.
We had twelve baskets full to spare.
What a lot of food to share!

(Con'td. on top of next column)


Refrain - And it came from one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
Just my one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
All it took was one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.
Jesus and my one, two, three, four, five loaves and two little fishes.

( In a group performance, all the children could sing the refrain.)


Shepherd, Shepherd. Jesus is the Shepherd.
Sheep, Sheep. We are the sheep.

Sheep, sheep, fluffy little sheep, sheep.
Sheep, sheep, fluffy little sheep.
Sheep, sheep, funny little sheep, sheep.
Sheep, sheep, silly little sheep.

It’s easy to confuse us.
How quickly we can lose us
‘Cause we really are quite clueless
Little sheep, sheep,
Silly little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, sheep, silly little sheep,
Sheep, sheep, dizzy little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, sheep, clueless little sheep.

We can wander far away
As we’re looking for some lunch
Or be led astray finding greener grass to munch
Because we’re Sheep, sheep, hungry little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, sheep, hungry little sheep,
Sheep, Sheep, straying little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, sheep, sorry little sheep.

We could get eaten by a leopard.1
(Leopard voice) “Yum! I like my mutton peppered.”
Ooh, we really need a shepherd!
Little sheep, sheep, Helpless little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, Sheep, needy little sheep,
Sheep, sheep, shaky little sheep, sheep,
Sheep, sheep, funny little sheep.
1The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles
(Religion 211-212 Manual), p.109


Jesus’ friends had sailed out on the water
And there came a great wind on the sea.
Stuck on a boat, barely afloat,
They were helpless as they could be.

Blow, blow, the wind did blow.
Blow, blow, the wind did blow.

They had labored all night through the water
Trying to not drown in the sea.
What could they do? They would never get through.
They would die in the Galilee.

Blow, blow, the wind did blow.
Blow, blow, the wind did blow.

Jesus came to them, walking on water
Because He is the Lord of the sea.
They cried out in fear. He said,
“Be of good cheer. Be not afraid. It is me.”

The wind stopped blowing the water
And there came a great calm on the sea.
Because Jesus was there Peace filled the air
And the boat moved ahead safe and free.
Jesus is Lord of the sea. Jesus is Lord of the sea.


Zacchaeus, the rich man, heard Jesus was in town,
And, being rather short, he looked all around
For a space in the crowd where he could have a view.
And then he had a thought. Here’s what he would do.

Up climbed Zacchaeus, up the sycamore tree,
Up through the branches so he could see.
Up cimbed Zaccaeus, way up high
So he could see Jesus passing by.

Zaccheus waited and soon could hear
From the noise in the crowd that Jesus was near.
Jesus looked up and saw him in the tree
And said “Zacchaeus, come down, for I must abide with thee.”

So, down climbed Zacchaeus, down the sycamore tree,
Down through the branches so he could see.
Down climbed Zacchaeus, quick as a mouse
And brought Jesus joyfully to his house.

Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, climbed up the tree
Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, so he could see.
Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, blessed that day,
Waiting for Jesus to come his way.


In the little village of Bethany
Mary and Martha were sad.
Their dear brother, Lazarus,
was so sick that he had died.
They were dearest friends of Jesus
and sent word that he was ill.
For they knew that Jesus’ power
could make Lazarus well.

He could rise again. He could rise again.

When Jesus finally got there
His friend was four days in a tomb.
Martha said to Jesus,
He would not have died if you’d come.
Jesus comforted Martha,
“Thy brother shall rise again.”
He gave her that great promise
For Lazarus and all men.

He will rise again. He will rise again.

Mary and Martha showed Jesus
the place where Lazarus lay.
Jesus wept with His friends and said,
“Take the stone away.”
Then He cried with a loud voice
“Lazarus, come forth!”
And he who was dead came walking out
from the cave inside the earth.

He is risen. He is risen. Lazarus has come alive.
With His power Jesus called him. He is risen.
With His power Jesus called him. He is risen.


Jesus climbed the hill to the garden still.
His steps were heavy and slow.
Love and a prayer took Him there
To the place only He could go.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me.
So He went willingly To Gethsemane.

He felt all that was sad, wicked or bad
All the pain we would ever know
While His friends were asleep
He fought to keep His promise made long ago.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me.
So He went willingly To Gethsemane.

The hardest thing that ever was done,
The greatest pain that ever was known,
The biggest battle that ever was won,
This was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus!

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me.
So He gave His gift to me
In Gethsemane.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me.
So He gives His gift to me
From Gethsemane.


The wicked men who plotted His death
Shouted and cheered.
Others taunted and jeered.
They felt cruel pride
On the day Jesus died.

All the creations that Jesus had made
Felt the great sadness.
The sun hid its face From the shame of that place.
Earth trembled and sighed
On the day Jesus died.

The people who loved Him were shadowed in grief.
They watched it unfold Just as they had been told.
In sorrow they cried On the day Jesus died.

But Jesus had come here to do this hard thing.
He gave up His life In anguish and strife
And on love He relied The day that He died.


He is risen. He is risen. Tell it out with joyful voice.
He has burst His three days prison. Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
Death is conquered. Man is free. Christ has won the victory.

He is risen. He is Risen. Jesus has come alive.
Death is conquered as He promised. He is risen.

He is risen. He is risen. Lives again our glorious King.
We are free from sin’s dark prison. Let all earth and heaven sing.
Death is conquered. We are free. Christ has won the victory.
Death is conquered as He promised. He is risen.


Remember the man who walked on the wa ter.
Remember the man who talked to the sea.
Remember the man whose hands healed the sick;
Who cared about children and what they can be.

Chorus- Oh, Remember. He asks us to remember.
Oh, Remember. Always remember Him.

Remember the man; the gentle good shepherd;
The one who fed thousands; Who brought us goods news.
Remember the man who came to save everyone,
Gave us the truth and taught us to choose.

Chorus- Oh, Remember. He asks us to remember.
Oh, Remember. Always remember Him.

Remember the man who carried our sorrows;
The man who, in three days, rose from the dead.
Remember the man who said, “Be of good cheer.”
And kept all His promises just as He said.

Chorus- Oh, Remember. He asks us to remember.
Oh, Remember. Always remember Him.
Oh, Remember. He asks us to remember.
Oh, Remember. Always remember Him.

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